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Why "Me” Time Is So Important For Happiness

Most of us understand that “me” time is essential for happiness, however many of us struggle to carve out alone time on a regular basis. Whether you’re a parent, full-time employee, business owner or caregiver; we often get caught up in life and put responsibilities or taking care of others before our own needs. No matter how busy we are, quality time is absolutely crucial for our overall happiness and wellbeing and must be made a priority.

Let’s break down the benefits of “me” time and then learn ways we can incorporate this valuable time into our busy lives.


Psychologists say alone time…

  • Reboots our brains

  • Helps us unwind

  • Improves our concentration

  • Makes us more productive

  • Gives space for self-discovery

  • Allows time for deep thinking

  • Aids in problem solving

  • Enhances our relationships


  • Wake up 30 minutes earlier than the rest of your household. Getting your quality time early in the day is a great way to start your morning!

  • If you have an office door, close it for a half hour or so throughout the day, so you can breathe and be at peace.

  • Temporarily unplug from gadgets. Our cellphones, laptops and other electronic devices are big distractions. Try to stay mindful of this and put technology away during your “me” time.

  • Take your lunch break in a park. Nature can recharge our batteries in so many amazing ways. Spending your “me” time outdoors is always a great idea!

  • Make a weekly or monthly date with yourself. Quality time doesn’t necessarily mean being alone. Just doing what you want counts! Sign up for a class or an activity that you enjoy. Partaking in an activity regularly will benefit your happiness greatly.

At Sand Hills Community Wellness Center, we have many classes, workshops and special events that are perfect for achieving “me” time! Schedule yourself a massage with one of our certified massage therapists, attend a Reiki Share on Monday evenings to get the positive and healing energy flowing, or choose from one of our many yoga classes we offer. Our monthly Suppers Program is also a great way to get out in the community to prepare a healthy meal together and put your health first. There’s something for everyone at our wellness center but we assure you - whatever class you choose will help to nourish your mind, body and soul.

A Few Things To Remember:

  • Feeling connected is an essential component of human happiness. Make sure some of your “me” time is spent interacting with others in ways that you enjoy. Book clubs, a game night, reconnecting with an old friend, etc.

  • Remember to never feel guilty. Taking care of yourself keeps you from burning out, which helps you to be a better partner, parent, child and friend.

  • Make sleep time “me” time. Research shows that the quality of our sleep is affected by how positive or negative our thoughts are as we drift off. To prime yourself with good sleep, express gratitude before bed by writing a happy thought in a journal or simply think thankful thoughts!

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