Four Tips for your Wellness Journey
Based on our own individual needs, each of us will have our own path to healing and wellness. Being mindful of who we are and what our limitations may or may not be, will further help in defining our wellness journey. We have to be willing to be honest with ourselves. Be authentic to who we are. For instance joining Weight Watchers but lying in your journal does not provide the results we want- merely satisfies the ego to say we are apart of or attempting to attain our goals, with no real intent. Completely self sabotaging.
May be at times, we have unrealistic goals while watching that infomercial that conviences us to buy the next best work-out fad. Though inspiring to watch a plyometric work out like P90X will not only - not work for someone like me, but can do damage to my very being. I must be REAL with myself. Being real with both my physical and emotional well being along with my goals will help in defining the unique path that's just right for me.
If you are struggling to define your path, consider what your goals and limitations are. You may apprectiate the following suggestions that I have put together for myself and hope you'll join along.
1. Radical Acceptance of yourself and life's circumstances with Compassion
Are you a "Would have, Could have, Should have, If only, I have to, wasn't supposed to" type person? Don't trap yourself! Not only does this thinking create levels of anxiety and depression, but completely depleates you of any energy needed to attain your goals and can lead to physical health problems like High Blood Pressure, Ulcers and even contribute to Inflammatory Diseases and Arthritis. Radical Acceptance, is about willingly receiving what already exists in the moment. Radical Acceptance does not mean we are resigned to life's circumstances, but rather empowers us to accept the things we cannot change and the courage to love ourselves and our limitations as we are. Radical Acceptance gives us the freedom to seek new possibilities and look beyond the status quo.
Ask yourself “What in your life needs to be honored? Write it down...
What needs to be accepted right now? Write it down...
My spouse loves when I say, "I need to be gentle with myself today." Where do you need to be gentle with yourself? What possibilities will radical acceptance create for you?
2. Find your Zen

When was the last time you walked through a park, sat at the beach, meditated, took a long bath or just plainly took the time to recognize the very wonder of your breath?
Being connected 24/7 has a way of working anxiety into our lives by keeping us busy and un-focused. Many of us have forgotten tend to our souls. We often have no place or space designated for quiet meditatative time or prayer. Many of us have grown unacustom to being alone with our thoughts and feelings. We all need to a little Zen time – a place within ourselves designed just for peace and quiet. A place where you can meditate, pray or even just to sit for a time and recognize how you are feeling and why.
My place is my office, or sometimes the park, I take long walks, reflect, pray, meditate and restore. Sometimes I enjoy the soft light of a candle or the smell of insence. I engage myself into a restoritive moment.
So, do you have such a place where you can slow down, breathe and just be? This is how we restore our souls and become mindful of who we are.
Where is your Zen? How often would you like to go there? How can you better create your Zen Place? The quiet waits there for you. It exists only for you to be still, to be at peace, to go inward and breath.
3. Acknowledge your Intuitive Spirit
Your intuition provides critical information you need to make meaningful decisions that come from your Center. The more mindful we are, the more deeply we become connected to that small inner voice that guides us forward. Noticing more subtleties in our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and relationships will foster a greater awakening allowing ourselves the ability to receive the gifts from our universe and your higher power. Nurturing our intuition and trusting it as a source of wisdom and direction is a critical and powerful piece in creating a deeper wellness that is mindful and unique to our being.
Was there ever a time you deeply trusted your intuition? Perhaps it saved you or at the very least led you to make very important and powerful decisions.
“You cannot listen to the God of your heart, while you are busy monitoring the god of opinion” – Dan Millman
4. Build your Posse

Support, support, support!!! Any task is made more simply with people who are willing to love and nurture us along the way. Allow yourself to love, trust and be open to others. As well it is just as important to allow yourself to be loved and spported. Meaningful connections with others are necessary for the survival of our well being, health and happiness.
I’m sure you can think of friends, family, teachers, mentors, spiritual family or at the very least that one dear friend you can count on to help you through. Invite them to your journey. Invite them to walk, pray and meditate along side you. Build your Posse!f
Name those in your circle who support you? Write down the names. Your honest assessment may lead you toward some changes, along with increasing gratitude for those who know the song of your heart.
Wishing you much love, grace and blessings on your wellness journey.